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How Big Data Is Transforming the Education

CyberSecurity Insiders

Now, a rare person will be surprised by the presence and active usage of modern technologies in the education and the learning process, in particular. . On the contrary, people devote special attention to this sector and apply different technologies to simplify and improve the learning process. Development of personalized learning.

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GUEST ESSAY – Notable events in hacking history that helped transform cybersecurity assessment

The Last Watchdog

Assessing the risks involved in using the latest technology is something our culture had to adopt in the early days of the computer. New technologies come with risks — there’s no denying that. military officials hired data analysts to crack the Japanese secret code known as JN-25. The Creeper Virus (1971).

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3 Things Leaders Often Miss When Trying to Get More Women into Tech

Jane Frankland

Most people know that technology creates more jobs than any other industry and that digital is the golden thread that runs across all industries. According to the World Economic Forum, at least 133 million new roles are set to emerge globally in the next year as a result of the new division of labour between human ingenuity and technology.